Personal and professional well-being when working with traumatized clients or fields.
A weekend seminar for professional groups working with traumatized clients and fields. Facilitators: Alexandra Vassiliou, Ph.D. (Processwork Diplomate) & Vera Lardi (Psychodrama Therapist) Who takes care of the caretakers? A training seminar for professionals in the role of caretaker who are exposed to trauma in their work environment. Working with a traumatized clientele can be complicated and stressful and is often connected with workers’ burnout. How can a team be more productive, take care of their well-being, personal and professional growth, and minimize burnout of its members? How are the dynamics typically appearing in environments like this (individual experiences and interactions in the team) often connected to the larger social and political field in which it operates? And why is that important to know? In this training seminar we will explore trauma and marginalization as an internal, relationship and field dynamic. We will focus on three areas:
Alexandra Vassiliou, Ph.D. and Vera Lardi draw on their extensive experiences as professionals in the field, as community workers and trainers. Their methodological approach is based on Processwork, Social Psychology and Psychodrama. Over the years they have developed their own tools in working with professionals dealing with traumatized individuals and groups. This training seminar combines theory and experiential exercises, in order to deepen our understanding of the above dynamics and provide space to further develop our skills. Who should attend? Professionals who are working with marginalized groups or individuals in therapeutic institutions, social services, community centers, NGOs and refugee organizations. The facilitators Alexandra Vassiliou, Ph.D. and Vera Lardi draw on their extensive experiences as professionals in the field, as community workers and trainers. They offer training, supervision and team-building support for professionals working in Non Government Organizations that provide support for refugees in Greece (Medicins Sans Frontiers – Athens Day Care Center, Arsis – Support for Youth, Diotima – Gender Based Violence, Secours Islamique France – Safe Spaces in Camps for women and children, Greek Council for Refugees, etc). They also facilitate trainings for school teachers in educational settings that include refugee and migrant students (University of Athens, Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, Public Schools in Athens and Lesvos, Greece). processworkhub & Intro Evening (open to all who are interested) Venue Institut für Prozessarbeit, IPA, Binzstrasse 9, 8045 Zürich Dates / Times Friday, March 6th, 7 -9 pm Topic Alexandra Vassiliou and Vera Lardi introduce their overall approach and give practical examples of how their work in Greece. This event is open to everyone interested. Cost The suggested donation is CHF 20.00 (collection takes place at the event) Registration required here Seminar / Workshop (open to all who are interested) Venue Institut für Prozessarbeit, IPA, Binzstrasse 9, 8045 Zürich Dates / Times Saturday, March 7 / 10 am to 6 pm & Sunday, March 8 / 10 am to 5 pm Costs External participants CHF 550.00 Students IPA Elective seminars CHF 500.00 Students IPA DLG-Phase 2 & ASP Mandatory seminars included in course fees Registration required here Language The Seminar will be translated (EN/DE, DE/EN)
December 2024