English dercription follows.
H Βέρα Λάρδη (Art in Perspective) σε συνεργασία με την Αλεξάνδρα Βασιλείου(Processwork Hub) συμμετέχουν στην ομάδα εκπαιδευτριών και εκπαιδευτών του Regenaration. Ένα πρόγραμμα επαγγελματικής επιμόρφωσης του Processwork of Ukraine για συντονίστριες ομάδων υποστήριξης Ουκρανών γυναικών που ζουν τις επιπτώσεις του πολέμου. Από την έναρξη του πολέμου οι συναδέλφισσες ψυχολόγοι και ψυχοθεραπεύτριες προσφέρουν στήριξη στους συνανθρώπους τους κάτω από ιδιαίτερα αντίξοες συνθήκες ενώ παράλληλα οι ίδιες και οι οικογένειές τους βιώνουν τις επιπτώσεις του. Το εργαστήριο είχε ως θέμα την αποφυγή και διαχείριση του εργασιακού burnout. Διδασκόμενες κι εμείς, σε αυτήν την πρωτόγνωρη συνθήκη. Με τη χρήση του διαδικτύου, συνδεδεμένες με συναδέλφους που δημιουργούν ανθρώπινα καταφύγια. --------- Mental support of Ukrainian women in the regeneration project. Olena Pinchuk Foundation draws the world's best experience for free training of Ukrainian psychologists to help women victims of war. Olena Pinchuk Foundation together with the NGO "Process-Oriented Work Institute in Ukraine named after Grigory Skovoroda" launch a unique project for Ukraine to train specialists in providing psychological support "Regeneration". International specialists from nine countries will train Ukrainian specialists for psychological support and mental health recovery of Ukrainian women during and after the war. The aim is to help as many women war victims as possible who have witnessed the tragic events . These are the people who have the greatest potential for psychological recovery now and already postwar ukraí ni. "We’ve always helped women become stronger, achieve their goals and be more confident for tomorrow." With the start of a full-scale war, psychological support is needed by virtually every Ukrainian woman who has made a difficult decision to stay or leave, who has witnessed terrible events, but does not know how to deal with the experience. Our mission is to re-resource women, take care of their mental health, which impacts the opportunity to fulfill their own potential. Because in the future it will help Ukraine in its rebuilding ",- says Elena Pínčuk. The project's lead mentor is Alan Richardson, PhD Psychologist, Australia, Board of Directors Member, Research and Training Programme Coordinator, Diploma Programme Mentor, Former IAPOP President, has over 40 years of psychological counselling practice. On the part of the Ukrainian team mentor is Oksana Korolovich, PhD psychologist, psychotherapist in a systemic approach, trauma therapist (Peter Levine method, DPDG, ITP), mediator, educational coach, supervisor with 25 years of experience. "Global therapeutic practice suggests that dealing with the aftermath of trauma usually begins after the acute phase of military conflict has ended." "But for the first time in the world, Ukraine, thanks to modern approach and technology development, is practicing a unique format that already works directly during the war," Alan Richardson said. The first phase of the project will involve 20 therapists and about 600 project beneficiaries who will help transform the aftermath of war trauma. New skills will help stabilize and improve emotional well-being, increase productivity and join the active social and economic life of Ukraine. |
December 2024